- ConstraintLayout:
- This is the most flexible and powerful layout in Android.
- It allows you to create large, complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy (no nested view groups).
- Elements are positioned using constraints relative to other elements or the parent layout.
- It supports drag-and-drop in the Android Studio layout editor, making it easier to design UIs visually.
- Key features: chains, barriers, guidelines, and the ability to constrain elements by percentage.
- LinearLayout:
- Arranges its children in a single row or column.
- The orientation is set using android:orientation="vertical" or "horizontal".
- In vertical orientation, children are stacked top to bottom.
- In horizontal orientation, children are arranged left to right.
- You can use android:weight to distribute space among children proportionally.
- RelativeLayout:
- Positions child views relative to each other or to the parent layout.
- You can specify relationships like "to the right of," "below," "aligned to top," etc.
- It's more flexible than LinearLayout but less powerful than ConstraintLayout.
- It can lead to deeply nested layouts for complex UIs, which can impact performance.
- match_parent and wrap_content:
- These are not layouts, but rather values for the layout_width and layout_height attributes.
- match_parent: The view will be as big as its parent in that dimension (minus padding).
- wrap_content: The view will be only as big as needed to fit its content in that dimension.
Additional important layouts:
- FrameLayout:
- The simplest layout. It's designed to hold one child view, although it can hold multiple.
- Children are stacked on top of each other, with the last added child on top.
- Useful for fragments, or as a base for custom views.
- ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView:
- These are container layouts that allow their content to be scrolled.
- ScrollView scrolls vertically and can only have one direct child (usually a LinearLayout).
- HorizontalScrollView scrolls horizontally.
- GridLayout:
- Places its children in a rectangular grid of rows and columns.
- More flexible than TableLayout, as it allows views to span multiple rows or columns.
- CoordinatorLayout:
- A FrameLayout that allows for advanced coordination between its children.
- Often used for scrolling and animating UI elements in material design apps.
- Supports floating action buttons, swipe-to-refresh, and other interactive behaviors.
When deciding which layout to use:
- ConstraintLayout is generally recommended for complex UIs due to its flexibility and performance.
- LinearLayout is great for simple, linear arrangements of views.
- RelativeLayout can be useful for medium-complexity layouts, but ConstraintLayout is often a better choice.
- Always consider performance: deeply nested layouts can slow down your app, especially on lower-end devices.